Jennifer, A Retired
Primary Goal
Maintain her current lifestyle
and grow her nest egg.
The Background
Jennifer, a retired professional, had been invested in a traditional IRA/401(k) at her place of work. Now that she’s no longer earning a salary, she wants to make sure she continues to grow her nest egg and can maintain her current lifestyle. In addition to her retirement accounts, Jennifer inherited a lump sum of money. She wants to maintain and moderately grow her retirement savings and aggressively grow her inheritance.
The Mandate
- Needing someone to allocate her portfolios properly given their two different objectives
- Needing a certain yield on her retirement assets and unsure what strategy would get her there
- Feeling overwhelmed with all the investment vehicles available and not being comfortable that she would make the best decisions
- Wanting a portfolio actively managed by experts with decades of experience who could get her exposure to the best companies in the world and avoid the worst — and therefore outperform the index
The Result
Not only does Jennifer feel more comfortable than she did with her previous RIA and corporate 401(k) program, she speaks with a partner at the firm about her portfolio weekly and has outperformed her previous portfolios dramatically. She made the switch to get better and more qualified experience and saw results immediately with a higher level of client service and more knowledgeable staff. She sleeps better knowing her specific investment needs are understood and managed appropriately.
The Summary
Financial needs and goals evolve as life circumstances change. Do you feel comfortable that your investments are being managed on a fiduciary basis to meet your objectives? Do you have the peace of mind that, despite inevitable change, you have a financial plan in place to allow you to continue to live life on your terms? If not, call BIA for a free consultations.